Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Unplugged - Read all about it

    From jogging inside to exercising on a small electronic pad indoors, our lifestyle has changed dramatically for the worse. If all the TV sets in the world could be un plugged our children would in fact grow up in a healthier life style than the secluded modernized life we have now. Playing the Nintendo Wii is extremely fun, admittedly, but the exercise does not compare to what you would get out doors. I feel that enjoying a little summer sun, playing a long match of soccer or basketball is very healthy for children growing up. When you're inside there’s only so much you can do while watching TV or playing video games. Even if you’re on the Wii fitness craze, you only have to simulate the move that the game wants you to do, in real life your using every last muscle to kick the ball that last stretch. Outdoor exercise combines a running core workout with whatever else you're using whether it be football, soccer or baseball etc. Growing up soccer has always been the sport for me, and never once have I seen a soccer player that was out of shape. I feel that outdoor exercise not only provides you with a healthier well-being but a stronger sense of self pride and you also get to socialize and meet plenty of new people. Playing a video game you could meet someone, but not in face to face flesh, and your only working out your thumbs and nothing else. It is vital that children are unplugged from the TV and out with neighborhood kids exercising and socializing.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Confusion Art

           While viewing the incredibly strange painting titled Roots, it is very easy to get confused with the artists message. This painting by Frida Kahlo gives off a very negative sense of humor, in which she has a self portrait of her face on a deer, which appears to be wounded by many arrows. Underneath of the deer there is a broken branch from a near by tree which also looks strange due because most of the trees appear to be dead. Many words spin through my head as I am staring at this painting; a few of these words include betrayal, sorrow, hate, and disappointment. Roots is a very mysterious painting because its awfully hard to receive the message that this artist Is trying to portray however when left to assume one on my own it was very negative. The painting almost seems as though  people throughout her life have tried to knock the artist down a peg but still she remains standing (I.e. the deer wounded by several arrows). From the emotion on the self portrait to the dark colors used in the landscaping nothing seems to shed even a speck of happiness. Even though I appreciate the mystery and lack of knowledge about the different aspects of the painting it is still very un appealing to me.  Whatever the purpose may be of this painting it will be controversial no matter who it is viewed by.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Landing at WSU

     Ending up at Wright State was a lengthy process for me due to the fact I attended another college first. Graduating high school the only thoughts in my head were about trying to save money. Life is a little rough right now no one can co-sign a loan, and I just didn’t feel that you got what you pay for out of a college experience. So I attended Columbus State Community College for only about half of the first quarter before I realized it was not the place for me. Panicking now because I was already a quarter behind it was time to make a decision on which school to attend. I heard nothing but great reviews from all the colleges my friends attended including Wright State. Immediately it seemed like a pretty instant connection because of how tight knit the community was, it really was enjoyable. It has the atmosphere of a large college but in the end, a lot of people know each other which is way better then never knowing most of the people who attend with you. So I planned my visit and the next thing I know here I was going about my tour, passing through the woods getting a personal tour from my good friend Zach. Shortly there after I sent In my application to Wright State and Ohio University, however Wright was much more responsive and direct than OU. I received my Wright State acceptance first due to how cooperative and helpful the staff was, and at that point it was determined that It would be a great school to attend. Ever since my start here at the beginning of last quarter it has been a blast.