Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Confusion Art

           While viewing the incredibly strange painting titled Roots, it is very easy to get confused with the artists message. This painting by Frida Kahlo gives off a very negative sense of humor, in which she has a self portrait of her face on a deer, which appears to be wounded by many arrows. Underneath of the deer there is a broken branch from a near by tree which also looks strange due because most of the trees appear to be dead. Many words spin through my head as I am staring at this painting; a few of these words include betrayal, sorrow, hate, and disappointment. Roots is a very mysterious painting because its awfully hard to receive the message that this artist Is trying to portray however when left to assume one on my own it was very negative. The painting almost seems as though  people throughout her life have tried to knock the artist down a peg but still she remains standing (I.e. the deer wounded by several arrows). From the emotion on the self portrait to the dark colors used in the landscaping nothing seems to shed even a speck of happiness. Even though I appreciate the mystery and lack of knowledge about the different aspects of the painting it is still very un appealing to me.  Whatever the purpose may be of this painting it will be controversial no matter who it is viewed by.


  1. I almost did this on mine because it is incredibly strange and makes you think what the author's thoughts were.

  2. I like your interpretation of this really strange work of art. Eerie. I'm always at a loss for words when I look at this piece.
